
Pale moon browser review 2017
Pale moon browser review 2017

pale moon browser review 2017

What I am addressing in this article are browsers that are either promoted as "privacy-respecting" by the developers, or in general are considered to be so (mostly due to misunderstanding or misinformation), while it is very clear they are not. Naturally you need to be able to use the browser on the Internet and as such you will always leave some kind of trail behind, and this article is not about how you can hide your tracks. Not only can it be difficult to actually define privacy, but it also requires a balance between freedom of choice by the users, security and usability. Privacy as a subject regarding the usage of services on the Internet is a very difficult subject to deal with. It is also about the lack of user freedom, as in the choice to enable or disable features, such as automatic updates, or forced usage of third party services, or software that the user generally is unaware of or don't have a say about. This article isn't specifically about privacy issues only, it's about promises that are being broken, which might be about privacy. Sometimes prices on products are changed on the same website, depending on tracking information, and two people may view the exact same product on the exact same website yet be presented with very different prices. Many companies, such as Google, track which websites people visit and then use the information, for instance by sending advertising based on one's web browsing history. Privacy on the Internet is important because privacy risks range from the gathering of statistics on users to more malicious acts such as the spreading of spyware and the exploitation of various forms of bugs (software faults). | about | faq | resources | contact | rss Choose your browser carefully

Pale moon browser review 2017